I stand above the beach, watch
surfers paddling out to sea
towards deeper water. Trees
shade me from rays that scorch
skin. Men fish from the sandbar
spaced apart from each other.
Kids jump calf-deep waves slopping
to shore, peel off seaweed clinging
to ankles. No one notices me.
They do not know my remains
will be scattered on their beach, blown
out to sea, the evidence of me
settling down in one place at last,
at home riding the wave-swell.
Note: This poem is a terminal utilizing the end-words from Kim Addonizio’s August.

Nathanael O'Reilly
Nathanael O’Reilly is an Irish-Australian poet. His collections include Landmarks, Selected Poems of Ned Kelly, Dear Nostalgia, Boulevard, (Un)belonging and Preparations for Departure. His poetry appears in 125 journals & anthologies published in 15 countries. He is poetry editor for Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature. (Headshot by Celeste Jenkins-O'Reilly)